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Online Registration

Online Registration

More Online Registration Information

When creating a new account please include an adult over the age of 18 as the primary person, and include all family members in the household at the time you are creating the account.

Online registration is not available for all programs.  Please check the current season program guide for dates, times and locations.  Not all programs listed online are offered every season.

If you register online and cancel online, you must call 847.850.2103 to expedite a refund, otherwise the money will be credited to your account to be used towards future registrations.

High-Volume Registration/Virtual Waiting Room

Sometimes when in-district registration opens for the first time and there are a lot of users on the system at once, there is a need for a virtual waiting room to keep the system from crashing.  For more information, click the link below.

Virtual Waiting Room Information

Paper Registration

Online, drop off and fax registration are available 24-hours a day.  Drop off and faxed registration forms received after 4:30 pm will be processed the next business day.

Monday- Friday: 8:30 am – 5 pm
Saturday & Sunday: Closed

A drop off box is located in the front driveway at the Alcott Center.

Registration by Fax: 847.459.5741

Please call 847.850.2100 with any questions.

Printable Registration Form

Please Note: This registration form is only for programs that are advertised with a registration code.

Refund/Transfer Request Form Past Receipts Request Form Credit/Debit Card Change Authorization Form

Other Important Information

Disciplinary Action Guidelines and Behavior Policy

Fee Assistance

The Buffalo Grove Park District is dedicated to ensuring that all residents have access to recreational programs. Eligibility for fee assistance programs is determined based on household income in relation to the Federal Poverty Guidelines.

Applicants must submit the first 2 pages of their previous year’s tax return with social security numbers redacted. This documentation is required once per calendar year. After the initial review, additional documentation may be requested. This may include proof of participation in public aid programs, food stamps, school lunch or subsidized housing programs, excessive medical expenses, or other significant financial hardships. Fee Assistance is granted prior to the registration of a Park District program. Requests for retroactive fee assistance will not be honored. Applications should be submitted at least 10 days before the program registration date.

Please note: The fee assistance program does not apply to Fitness Center memberships, Golf Dome passes, or Happy Tails Dog Park access. Please refer to the fee assistance forms below for more information on eligibility and the application process.

General Program Fee Assistance Form Camp Connection Fee Assistance Form Military Fee Assistance Form

Registration Information

The Park District’s registration process was developed to permit fair access to Park District programs and services for all our residents.

  • Complete your registration form(s) including second choice programs and signature. Unsigned forms or incorrect payments will delay the registration process.
  • Make sure that all program codes indicate the classes you want. If the code is incorrect, this may delay your registration process.
  • Mail-in registrations are processed according to the date they are received, not by the postmark date.

Second Choice Programs

Selecting a second choice increases the likelihood of getting into a program. Write your second choice in the shaded sections of the registration form. Please pay the total of the highest fees. If your payment is less than the necessary total, your registration cannot be processed. If the program you want is full, we will place you in your second choice program. If both programs are full, you will be placed on a waiting list for your first choice program, and your fee will be refunded.


Waitlists are automatically created when we have more registrations for a program that we have space. Your receipt will indicate if you are registered for a program or on the waitlist. We will process refunds once we are certain that we cannot find an opening for you.


  • Full refunds will be issued for any program cancelled by the Park District.
  • Participants may request refunds for programs up to 5 business days before the program’s first meeting. In athletic programs and leagues, the program is considered to begin with its first practice.
  • Refunds received with less than 5 business days notice will only be issued for a medical problem, when accompanied by a doctor’s note.
  • Refunds for trips and contractual workshops will only be issued if the spot can be filled from the waiting list.
  • A $5 administration fee will be charged against your refunds, including medical problems, to cover clerical and administrative costs. There are no administrative fees charged when a program is cancelled by the Park District.
  • Fees paid by credit cards will be refunded through charge account credits.
  • If you register online and cancel online, you must call 847.850.2103 to expedite a refund, otherwise the money will be credited to your account to be used towards future registrations.
  • Refund processing takes 2 weeks if the refund is being issued by check.  Refunds being issued to a credit card can take up to 30 days to be processed by the credit card company.


Original receipts are issued upon registering for a program. The Buffalo Grove Park District will reissue past receipts when a Receipt Request Form is completed. There is a $5 fee per request. Receipt Request Forms are available on our website or at the Alcott Center. Once the fee is paid and the form is completed, please allow 5 days for processing.

Childcare Statements Receipt Reprint

Program Changes & Cancellations

  • Programs are sometimes cancelled or altered due to low registration, or changes in staff, or facility availability.
  • If your receipt indicates a program has been cancelled or altered, please contact the Park District right away at 847.850.2100. We may be able to transfer your registration to another program of your choice.
  • You are entitled to a full refund for a program that has been cancelled by the Park District.

Park District Advantages

If you live in the Buffalo Grove Park District you are entitled to:

  • Registration for limited programs before they are opened to nonresidents.
  • Pre-registration for certain continuing skills programs.

The boundaries of the Buffalo Grove Park District and the Village of Buffalo Grove are not exactly the same. Some neighborhoods at the edges of Wheeling and Arlington Heights are in Buffalo Grove Park District. Other neighborhoods within the Village of Buffalo Grove are outside the Park District. If you are not certain whether you qualify for in-district rates, check your property tax bill or contact our registration office at 847.850.2100.

Out-of-District Fair Share Fees

Those who live within the Buffalo Grove Park District make significant contributions to the operation of the agency through their property taxes. This contribution is beyond the fees they pay for programs and services. The fair share fee policy was adopted by the Park District’s Board to equalize this financial burden. Fair share fees will be 25% more than the in-district fee up to a maximum of $100.

Online Registration Frequently Asked Questions

Can all Buffalo Grove Park District programs be registered for online?
Almost all programs can be registered for online; however, there are some registrations that are processed only through our main office.

How will I know what programs are available online?
All programs with a code number are available for online registration.  Any programs that are not available for online registration will be indicated as such in the program description.  Also, when browsing the programs online, registration availability will be indicated.

If I register online will I know if I get into a program immediately?
Yes, the registrations are in real time. If a program has an opening when you complete your registration you will be registered, and you will receive confirmation that your registration is complete and payment has been received.  If a program is closed you will be able to sign up online to be on the waitlist.

Are camps and preschool available for online registration? 

Do I need to do anything ahead of time in order to be able to participate in online registration?

Yes!  You need to set up an online registration account.  You can do so by going to the online registration page and clicking on the Create An Account button.

Will I need a credit card to register online?
Yes.  The Buffalo Grove Park District accepts Visa, Mastercard, Discover and American Express.

Do I have to register online?
No, we will still take registrations at the Alcott Center via the fax, mail or in person.

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Buffalo Grove Park District

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