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Construction Projects

This page is intended to provide the public with updated information on construction projects taking place within the Buffalo Grove Park District.

Parkchester Park

Park Renovation

June 12, 2024
Almost all of the earthwork and grading has been completed, and concrete sidewalks and asphalt trails will go in soon. The playground equipment is scheduled to be delivered at the end of the month for installation.

Parkchester Construction Picture

April 18, 2024
The park will be closed for construction starting Monday, April 22, as construction crews will start setting up fencing and tree protection. Sitework will begin the week of April 29. If you are traveling past the park along Weiland Road, please be prepared for some construction-related traffic throughout the summer.

Parkchester Park Plan
Parkchester Park Renovation Plan

January 3, 2024
The park is scheduled to be redeveloped in spring; however, due to the mild conditions so far this winter, we are able to get a start on things by removing the existing fencing around the baseball field and tennis courts.

Mike Rylko Community Park

Skate Park

June 12, 2024
The skate park will be closed starting July 8. We will be replacing the existing structures at the skate park with new ones. Later this year a pump track will be added next to the skate park.

Skate Park Rendering Pump Track Rendering

Amphitheater & Event Shelter

June 12, 2024
Landscaping has been moving quickly, and the roof will be completed over the next 2 weeks. Substantial completion is estimated for the end of July in time for us to get it ready for the grand opening at Buffalo Grove Days on August 29 at 5:15 pm.

Amphitheater Picture

April 18, 2024
Construction is moving on schedule at the Amphitheater. Foundations for the new event shelter have been poured, as well as the concrete retaining walls for the outdoor seating walls. The exterior walls of the theater are close to completion. The final structural pieces for the roof are planned to be installed by the beginning of May.New Amphitheater Picture

November 10, 2023
The existing playground next to the Spray ‘N Play and softball fields will be removed on Monday, November 13. During construction, the trail the runs between the softball fields and the Spray N Play will be closed for the duration of the project, and a construction fence will be installed around the site sometime next week. We recommend not using the parking lot to the southwest of the Spray N Play along McHenry Road, as this will be the main point of access for construction-related traffic throughout the course of the project.

Parkchester Park Plan

November 8, 2023
Construction will be starting on the Mike Rylko Community Park amphitheater. This is Phase 1 of the site redevelopment. Once the amphitheater and event shelter are completed, work will begin on renovations to the Spray ‘N Play, and a new playground will be installed.

Starting this week, the existing playground next to the Spray ‘N Play and softball fields will be closed. Access to some of the trail paths will be impacted by the construction. Please check back for updates.

Mike Rylko Community Park Amphitheater Project Mike Rylko Community Park Amphitheater Project Mike Rylko Community Park Amphitheater Project Mike Rylko Community Park Amphitheater Project Mike Rylko Community Park Amphitheater Project Mike Rylko Community Park Amphitheater Project

Prairie Grove Park

Park Renovation

June 12, 2024
The rubber surfacing has passed its fall test which means we are getting close to the finish line for this project. The construction fence will be coming down over the next few weeks as crews work on completing the landscaping. We are waiting to confirm the schedule for the final color and lines to be installed on the courts and any final details that need to be addressed. We hope to officially open the park after the 4th of July holiday.

April 18, 2024
Construction has continued on the tennis courts and park shelter. New fencing and concrete curbs have been installed at the tennis courts, and the foundations have been poured for the basketball hoop and shelter structure. Pending weather, the majority of the construction will be completed by the end of May. The installation of the rubber surfacing for the playground is still waiting to be scheduled until overnight temperatures stay above 50 degrees. The rubber surfacing and the color coating of the tennis and basketball court will be the final pieces of the project; we are hopeful that this will be completed by the beginning of June.

February 9, 2024
Construction has been on hold due to weather-related conditions needed for the installation of the rubber surfacing under the playground.  The temperature needs to be consistently above 50 degrees for 3 days.  Based on weather forecasts, we hope to have the rubber surface installation in by the beginning of April and the entire project completed by the beginning of June.

November 8, 2023
Construction is moving along on the park. All of the playground equipment has been installed. This week they are working on installing the drainage piping and forms for the new concrete curbs around the playground rubber surfacing.

Prairie Grove Park Playground Installation

September 12, 2023
The contractor has been excavating dirt for the new pathways, half basketball court, and tennis and pickleball courts. Once excavating is completed, the contractor will put down stone, and then pave. Construction fence for the playground should be going up this week, and the playground will be removed shortly thereafter.

Prairie Grove Park construction picture Prairie Grove Park construction picture Prairie Grove Park construction picture

August 30, 2023
The construction fence will be going up this week, and the playground will be removed next week.  The park is expected to be finished by the end of November.

June 30, 2023
Weather permitting, construction will start around July 10.  The current playground will be available until approximately the end of August. After that, it will be removed, and the new playground construction will begin.

Prairie Grove Park Site Plan

Wooded Area
We are continuously working within the wooded areas of Mike Rylko Community Park to remove invasive species that are harmful to the natural habitat. It may appear as though healthy trees are being taken down; however, that is not the case. The buckthorn trees, as well as other invasive species are extremely harmful; and, they keep plant species that are native to the area from thriving.

Managing the natural areas by controlling invasive plant species and promoting native plant species will have ecological, recreational and aesthetic benefits. Ecological benefits are gained by removing invasive plant species, which can out-compete native plant species. Controlling invasive species will help maintain diversity within the natural areas, which in turn provides more suitable habitat for wildlife. In general, invasive plant species are less useful to native wildlife to provide habitat needs. By promoting native plants, wildlife diversity may increase, providing greater ecological benefit from pollinating insects, such as bees and butterflies, and from wildlife, such as migratory songbirds. Additional recreational uses of Mike Rylko Community Park may also be gained from wildlife observers, birdwatchers and other nature enthusiasts who are attracted to the enhanced natural areas.

Removal of dense thickets of buckthorn will open the understory of the woodlands, and allow spring and summer wildflowers to grow. Improving the aesthetic look of the natural areas will entice users of the park. Additional benefits to the community may be gained by providing educational opportunities for science classes to study ecology, biology or other natural sciences in the park natural areas.

Targets for invasive species control and increasing native species diversity

For the woodlands:

  • Reduce boxelder and nonnative canopy trees by at least 25%.
  • Remove and control 90% of buckthorn and other invasive shrubs.
  • Control 90% of invasive, nonnative herbaceous species.
  • Total native herbaceous vegetative cover of 75%, with at least 15 native species present.
  • Increase tree and shrub species diversity by 25%.

For the prairies:

  • Control 90% of nonnative, invasive herbaceous species.
  • Remove and control 90% of all tree and shrub species.
  • Total native herbaceous vegetative cover of 90%, with at least 20 native species present.

For the wetland areas:

  • Control 90% of purple loosestrife and phragmites.
  • Remove and control 90% of all non-native and invasive trees and shrubs.

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